It’s been a while since we shared any pearls of wisdom (we have oh-so many) or bits of AC news. That’s because we’ve been lazy our fish died we died busy.
Actually, we HAVE been busy, in the best way possible. Our Beta Test back in the fall of last year was exactly what we needed in order to hone in on the type of product and user experience we want to provide for the acting community in Hollywood and beyond. Since the close of beta, we’ve been diligently working to make Actors Compass the best website tool that a professional actor could wish for!
Now that we are so very close to the big reveal, Grant and I are heading off to Tucson tomorrow for our first-ever Actors Compass retreat. We feel very grown-up, very professional, and OMG, like, sooooo excited, you guys! Roap trip!!! We’re looking forward to reuniting in real life with our amiga Shannon. Skyping is for the birds! Together, we’ll be pushing hard through the final leg before the official launch of our inaugural Actors Compass product. Beer and goofing off may be involved. Ahem.
Stay tuned — we’re planning on being more share-y with AC developments now that things are humming! You can also follow keep up with the latest via Twitter and Facebook. Please be sure to say hello!